Prague Accommodation - HOLIDAY HOME - Hotel, Pension


Pensions/Hotels Holiday Home, Americk 37, Prague 2, Czech Republic
e-mail: or,
Tel: (+420) 222512710, 222514570, 222514572, 224254237, Fax: (+420) 222514622

Česky English Deutch по-Pусски Español Français po Polsku

Hotel, Penzion in Prague centre - "HOLIDAY HOME - Pension"
Vítěz Travelers choice 2014Certifikát výjimečnosti 2014Budova hoteluvstupní halaschodiště hoteluFasáda domu4 beds roomCertifikát výjimečnosti 2013Vítěz Travelers choice 2013
GPS:  Loc: 50°4'26.54"N,14°26'12.12"E
MAPA - umístění penzionu   

TERMS for Processing of personal data  (next „terms“)


used Terms:

Data manager: HOLIDAY HOME – Pension, Americká 37, 120 00 Praha 2

                        (next „hotel“)

Customer:       A person or company using the services of the operator (next "customer")

Regulation:     Regulation of European Parliament and of the Council of EC, No 2016/679 of    

 April 27th, 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (next "the Regulation")


general provisions

1.       The subject of these terms & conditions is to ensure the processing of the personal data of the customers obtained in the hotel's business activities, as well as an obligation to maintain confidentiality of the information obtained and within the scope and under the conditions set forth by these terms.

2.       Hotel undertakes to process customer personal data in accordance with these terms & conditions.. These conditions are drawn up in accordance with the rights and obligations under the relevant legislation Regulation of European Parliament and of the Council of EC, No 2016/679 of April 27th, 2016, General Data Protection Regulation.



1.       Hotel commits to take such technical, personnel and other necessary provisions to prevent accidental access to personal data or unauthorized processing, modification, destruction or loss, transmission or other misuse of personal data.

2.       As part of the provision of accommodation services, hotel is obliged to process certain personal data of the guests. Only the receptionist and the owner work with these data.

3.       The abovementioned users were informed about the sensitivity of personal data. Guests are solely responsible for the personal details of the hotel provided by the hotel. Hotel or staff do not transmit personal data of guests to other entities (except of the obligation as per the Law on the residence of foreigners in Czech Republic - 326/1999). The Previo Hotel System is another personal data processor.

4.       Terms of processing and handling of personal data of guests by this processor are regulated in the processing agreement between hotel and the respective processor.



1.       Hotel has the legal obligation to keep the following personal data about its guests: name, surname, date of birth, address, duration of stay, number & type of personal document, eventually visa number, purpose of stay. This obligation is governed by Law on the residence of foreigners in Czech Republic (326/1999) and Law on Local Fees (565/1990). Under these laws, hotel is obligated to keep these personal data for 6 years. This data are stored in (i) guest cards in hotel system, (ii) in house guestbook, and (iii) book of evidence which are stored in printed form in a locked space.

2.       In addition to this data, hotel collects & stores only customer's email and phone number. These 2 data serve for communication only in order to provide the accommodation service (within the customer purchase contract) ordered by customer - online, by mail, e-mail or by phone. Hotel never uses this information for any marketing!  

3.       The customer has right to ask hotel for an overview of his personal data at any time. In case of a request for deletion of personal data, thotel will delete the required personal data of the customer. However, the statutory time limits of the aforementioned laws must be met. Personal data can then be deleted only after the legal deadlines have passed.



1.       Hotel commits to take such technical, personnel and other necessary provisions to protect all personal data and to assure, personally and organizationally, all obligations of the data manager, arising from the law, in particular the regulation.

2.       Hotel commits that the processing of the data will be ensured in particular as follows:

a)       only authorized persons, who have a clear understanding of the conditions and scope of data processing, will have access to personal data and any such person will access personal data under its unique identifier;

b)       Personal data shall be processed only at the hotel;

c)       the hotel will prevent unauthorized reading, creating, copying, transferring, editing or deleting records containing personal data;

d)       hotel will take measures to identify and verify to whom personal data were transmitted, by whom they were processed, altered or deleted.

3.       Hotel undertakes to ensure that its employees and other persons processing the personal data will do so only under the conditions and to the scope specified to them and in accordance with its instructions. It will oblige all such parties to maintain confidentiality (even after finishing their work for hotel) about personal data and security measures, which disclosure could jeopardize security of personal data.


Electronic Access & CCTV systém

Hotel uses an electronic access system for chips and a CCTV recording system to prevent  protection of its customers and their property. Processing manager of the system is Amebyt s.r.o., IČO: 49712250. For more detailed information about the system at: , tel: 222512717.


Last update: 25.5.2018

HOLIDAY HOME - Hostel, Levné ubytování, Americká 37, Praha 2 Vinohrady, Česká republika
Tel: (+420)  777142417   777142416 

HOLIDAY HOME - Pension,  Americká 37,  Prague 2,  Czech Republic,  e-mail:,,  Tel: (+420) 777142417, 777142416,    1757915